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sOnO iN uFfIcIO coN maMma...
in qst momento si sta appiccicando con Libero..
qsta compagnia telefonica truffatrice...mi ha tolto internet..

intanto nella stanza accanto c'è un figo esagerato..
wa proprio carino!!

( 28/4/2006 11:55:33 - N. 141399 )

grazie x i momenti di felicità che mi avete regalato
in particolare grazie a mè,linda,andrea,diana,niko,genny

( 25/4/2006 13:50:12 - N. 140586 )

cHaMPagNe SupeRNovA - OaSis

How many special people change
how many life's are living strange
where were you while we were getting high
slowly walking down the hall
faster than a cannon ball
where were you while we were getting high
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide
in a champagne supernova
a champagne supernova in the sky
wake up the dawn and ask her why
a dreamer dreams she never dies
where were you while we were getting high
slowly walking down the hall
faster than a cannon ball
where were you while we were getting high
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide
in a champagne supernova
a champagne supernova
'cos people believe
that they've got to get away for the summer
but you and i
we live and die
the worlds still spinning round
we don't know why
why why why why
wake up the dawn and ask her why
a dreamer dreams she never dies
where were you while we were getting high
slowly walking down the hall
faster than a cannon ball
where were you while we were getting high
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide
in a champagne supernova
a champagne supernova
'cos people believe
that they've got to get away for the summer
but you and i
we live and die
the worlds still spinning round
we don't know why
why why why why find us
caught beneath a landslide in a champagne supernova in the sky
someday you will find us
caught beneath a landslide
in a champagne supernova
in a champagne supernova

( 4/3/2006 21:51:20 - N. 126301 )
blog modificato il: 04/03/2006 21:51:39

cARnevaLe 2006

La dottReSsa&La MaLatA (cHe iN reALtà dovevA eSseRe uN oRfANo coL cARteLLo)

( 28/2/2006 18:36:7 - N. 125162 )
blog modificato il: 28/02/2006 18:37:03

ciAu kLaaaaaaaaUz!

cM aL sOLito sONo io
cHe mi iNtRufOLo
da qSte pARti
La miA settiMaNa di aSseNza si è fAtta seNtì eH?!

ti sONo mANcatA uN bottO dì La veRitA'
..e ieRi eRi prOpRio feLiCe di Ri-vedeRMi
vABeh..dMn Si RitOrNa
..cHe Mi mANcAnO tutti uN sAcCo



ti voGLio beNe và

( 22/2/2006 11:12:13 - N. 123210 )
blog modificato il: 22/02/2006 21:12:03

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