Blog di [Übe_London]

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( 26/5/2006 20:21:5 - N. 149181 )

Overhead the albatross hangs motionless upon the air
And deep beneath the rolling waves
In labyrinths of coral caves

( 26/5/2006 03:18:27 - N. 149010 )

                                   come sei veramente


( 26/5/2006 02:59:22 - N. 149009 )
blog modificato il: 26/05/2006 03:03:47

( 24/5/2006 10:59:46 - N. 148392 )

We sail through endless skies
stars shine like eyes
the black night sighs
The moon in silver trees
falls down in tears
light of the night
The earth, a purple blaze
of sapphire haze
in orbit always

While down below the trees
bathed in cool breeze
silver starlight breaks down the night
And so we pass on by the crimson eye
of great god Mars
as we travel the universe
( 1/4/2006 00:28:50 - N. 134234 )

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