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eta': 36
Citta'.: napoli
Descrizione: . . .

Il passato è come uno specchio rotto, un puzzle, mentre lo metti insieme ti tagli, un immagine riflessa in continuo movimento, e tu cambi con lei.


Yellowcard - Gifts and Curses

Mary belongs to the words of a song.
I try to be strong for her, try not to be wrong for her.
But she will not wait for me, anymore, anymore.
Why did I say all those things before? I was sure.

(She is the one), but I have a purpose,
(she is the one), and I have to fight this,
(she is the one), a villian I can't knock down.

I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
still I will always fight on for you.

Mary's alive in the bright New York sky,
the city lights shine for her, above them I cry for her.
Everything's small on the ground below, down below.
What if I fall, then where would I go, would she know?

(She is the one), all that I wanted,
(she is the one), and I will be haunted,
(she is the one), this gift is my curse for now.

I see your face with every punch I take,
and every bone I break, it's all for you.
And my worst pains are words I cannot say,
Still I will always fight on for you. Fight on for you ...

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Pagina visitata 325 volte, ultimo aggiornamento : 18/12/2007 - 23.39
ultima visita il 03/12/2009 alle ore 20:17 da una ragazza di 32 anni.