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eta': 42
Citta'.: VARCATURO *_*

"Non parlare di ciò che hai fatto.....
.....fallo e lascia che parli per te"

Full Name: Christian PeterPunk
Birthday: 7 April
Height: 5.57" something
First CD Purchased: Guano Apes - Big in Japan
Last CD Purchased: Foo Fighters Greatest Hits
First Concert Attended: Sziget 2006 - Budapest
"Most played" songs on your iPod: Blurry, Puddle of Mudd - All i Need, Air - Black all Sun, Soundgarden...
Favorite Food: Burgers and fries
Favorite Beverage: Belgian beers
Favorite TV Show: Heroes, The Bing Bang Theroy
Favorite Book: Hook
Favorite Movie: Point Break
Last movie you saw in the theater: the last house on the left
Most Visited Website: Probably Youtube and Facebook
When did you start playing bass: When I was 24 yrs old
Three Wishes: I'd give them to someone who needed them or ahm..A never ending packet of m&m's,
What is in the fridge: Milk, Juice and Beer
What do you to kill time: I LOVE watching movies.
First thing you do when get home: Take off my shoes. Have a long, hot shower and have a tea in front of the TV!! (idem)



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Nick precedente: PeterPunk
Pagina visitata 23409 volte, ultimo aggiornamento : 06/07/2011 - 22.08
ultima visita il 09/10/2022 alle ore 00:05 da un ragazzo di 47 anni.