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eta': 18
Citta'.: Napoli - Caserta e ''o core a L.A.
Descrizione: ciao a tutti :*

Pace, Bigazzi, Savio
sei stata molto avida nella tua vita.
E adesso che sei morta, sei ancora peggio.
Vedi, ma da morta non mi fai paura.
Sarà perché non puoi parlare, perché sei morta,
sarà perché non puoi scrivere neanche, perché sei veramante morta.
Siamo sicuri che sei morta.

Io te lo voglio dire, io t'ho sempre odiata nella mia vita.
Me ne hai fatte di cotte e di crude,
mi hai fatto lavare la camicia con Perlana,
mi hai fatto comprare il Caracolito, o' miracolo,
ma non vorrei che adesso tu ti risvegliassi,
tu sei veramente morta?
Avida, sei veramente morta?
Alza una mano se sei morta, se non sei morta non ti muovere,
che per me è uguale.

Ancora adesso mi viene in mente quella notte
Quando con la scusa di fare un trio mi hai portato a casa la Formula 3.
Sei stata sempre malvagia, con me. Butta l'asso ch'io piglio il re. Fa rima.
Ora, chiariamo: sei morta? Sei morta veramente?
Lo so, è venuto anche Palmieri, quello delle pompe funebri, ma non fa testo,
tu sei cadavere gelato preciso?

Avida, tu… sei… ah, questo già l'ho detto? …sei morta?
Si o no? L'ho detto o no? L'ho già detto? Oh!?
L'ho già detto o no?
…No, per essere sicuro, non per altro…

Dunque, ti dicevo, sta arrivando… il brigadiere…
No, già, quello è per me… ma sta arrivando
mamma, babbo, i Gorilli, i… Frattieri, i Gerovatti, i Fortazzi, i Forboni,
i Bubbuini, i Zozzoni e i Bolotti, Bambo, Buffo, Tricco, Bum, Lam,
Summo, Sicco, Trocco e Trucco, che sono i due cugini,
devono pigliare il treno… senti, il rumore?
Senti il rumore? Senti il rumore? Senti come sono arrabbiati…
Ciupa ciupa ciù… ciupa ciù…
C'è anche Banfi.

Parliamoci da uomo a uo… no, da uomo a morto:
tu sei stata orrenda con me, in vita,
per lo meno da morta fammi un segnale…
'Chitemmuorto, non così forte. Ho detto un segnalino.
Meglio, così.
Avida, devi pensare che ormai tu sei morta,
e quindi il mondo dei vivi non ti appartiene.
Hai un avvenire davanti a te: puoi fare il fantasma,
puoi svegliarmi di notte mentre io inciucio con sette - otto fiche,
tu puoi anche distogliermi, ma tu ormai sei un cadavere.
Neanche eccellente, sì 'na chiavica di un cadavere,
perché tu sei stata in vita una mmerda, e da morta peggio.
Diciamoci la verità, vis-a-vì… non capisci il francese,
mi vuoi fare il culo anche da morta…
Faccia a faccia. Sei contenta? Ah.
La vuoi una Schweppes? Non ti piace.
Un Orzo Bimbo? Neanche.
Fai entrare i… il cameriere, che c'è una…
Porta il menù, al cadavere, che deve scegliere il pranzo.
Vedi, anche da morta sei una rompicoglioni.
Io te l'ho detto: muori, ma non me romper' o cazzo,
e tu da morta, insisti.
Avida, io te lo devo dire, una volta per sempre:
io non t'ho mai sposata.
Il prete, era finto. Era mio fratello. Tale Antonio Esposito Emanuele.
Finto prete, finta chiesa: sconsacrata.
Tu mi dirai adesso che l'eredità non m'appartiene: eh no,
qui c'è il trucco: io ho usato Caracolito, o' miracolo.

TNT (Aus) (1975)
High Voltage (1976)
(Young, Young, Scott)

My Daddy was workin' nine to five
When my Momma was havin' me
By the time I was half alive
I knew what I was gonna be
I left school and grew my hair
They didn't understand
They wanted me to be respected as
A doctor or a lawyer man
(But I had other plans)

Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
I'm gonna be a rock 'n' roll,
A rock 'n' roll star

Well I worked real hard and bought myself
A rock 'n' roll guitar
I gotta be on top some day
I wanna be a star
I can see my name in lights
And I can see the queue
I got the devil in my blood
Tellin' me what to do
(And I'm all ears)

Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
I'm gonna be a rock 'n' roll,
a rock 'n' roll star
(I hear it pays well)

Well you can stick your nine to five livin'
And your collar and your tie
And stick your moral standards
'Cause it's all a dirty lie
You can stick your golden handshake
And you can stick your silly rules
And all the other shit
That they teach to kids in school
('Cause I ain't no fool)

Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
I'm gonna be a rock 'n' roll,
A rock 'n' roll star
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll star
Gonna be a rock 'n' roll singer
I'm gonna be a rock 'n' roll,
A rock 'n' roll star.
Yes I are!

Stiff Upper Lip
(Young - Young)

Well I was out on a drive
On a bit of a trip
Lookin for thrills
To get me some kicks
Now I warn you ladies
I shoot from the hip
I was born with a stiff

Stiff upper lip

Like a dog in a howl
I bite everything
And Im big and Im drawl
And Ill ball your thing

I keep a stiff upper lip
And I shoot from the hip
I keep a stiff upper lip
And I shoot
And I shoot
Shoot from the hip

Yeah I shoot from the hip
Now listen

Well Im workin it out
And Ive done everything
And I cant reform no
Can you feel my sting

Babe I keep a stiff upper lip
And I shoot from the hip, yeah
I keep a stiff upper lip
And I shoot
And I shoot
And I shoot, shoot, shoot
Shoot from the hip

Well Im out on the prowl
And Ill ball your thing
I got the teeth thatll bite you
Can you feel my sting

Babe I keep a stiff upper lip
And I shoot from the hip
I keep a stiff upper lip
And I shoot shoot shoot from the hip
I got a (stiff upper lip)
Better believe me (stiff upper lip)
Comin down (stiff upper lip)
See my (stiff upper lip)
Yeah I got a (stiff upper lip)
Stiff upper lip
Stiff upper lip
I got a stiff upper lip
I got a stiff upper lip
Stiff upper lip
Stiff upper lip
And I shoot
And I shoot
And I shoot
Shoot from the hip

Bob Marley - Waiting in Vain

I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love.
From the very first time I rest my eyes on you, girl,
My heart says follow trough.
But I know, now, that Im way down on your line,
But the waitin feel is fine:
So dont treat me like a puppet on a string,
cause I know I have to do my thing.
Dont talk to me as if you think Im dumb;
I wanna know when youre gonna come - soon.
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love,
cause if summer is here,
Im still waiting there;
Winter is here,
And Im still waiting there.
/guitar solo/
Like I said:
Its been three years since Im knockin on your door,
And I still can knock some more:
Ooh girl, ooh girl, is it feasible?
I wanna know now, for I to knock some more.
Ya see, in life I know theres lots of grief,
But your love is my relief:
Tears in my eyes burn - tears in my eyes burn
While Im waiting - while Im waiting for my turn,

I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love;
I dont wanna wait in vain for your love, oh!
I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna -
I dont wanna wait in vain.
I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna -
I dont wanna wait in vain.
No, I dont wanna (I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna -
I dont wanna - I dont wanna wait in vain) -
No I - no I (I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont
Wanna - I dont wanna wait in vain) -
No, no-no, i, no, I (I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna -
I dont wanna - I dont wanna wait in vain) -
Its your love that Im waiting on (I dont wanna - I dont wanna -
I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna wait in vain);
Its me love that youre running from.
Its jah love that Im waiting on (I dont wanna - I dont wanna -
I dont wanna - I dont wanna - I dont wanna wait in vain);
Its me love that youre running from.

Frank Zappa - Heavenly Bank Account

And if these words you do not heed
Your pocketbook just kinda might recede
When some man comes along and
Claims godly need
He will clean you out right through your

Thats right, remember there is a big
Difference between kneeling down
And bending over...
Hes got twenty million dollars
In his heavenly bank account...
All from those chumps who was
Born again
Oh yeah, oh yeah

Hes got seven limousines
And a private plane...
All for the use of his
Special friends
Oh yeah, oh yeah
Hes got thousand-dollar suits
And a wembley tie...
Girls love to stroke it
While hes on the phone
Oh yeah, oh yeah

At the house of representatives
Hes a groovy guy...
When he gives thanks
He is not alone...

He is dealin
He is really dealin
Irs cant determine
Where the hook is

It is easy with the bible
To pretend that
Youre in show biz

They wont get him
They will never get him
For the naughty stuff
That he did

It is best in cases like this
To pretend that
You are stupid

Hes got presidential help
All along the way

He says the grace
While the lawyers chew
Oh yeah
They sure do

And the govenors agree to say:
Hes a lovely man!
He makes it easier for
Them to screw
All of you...
Yes, thats true!

cause he helps put the fear of god
In the common man
Snatchin up money
Everywhere he can
Oh yeah
Oh yeah

Hes got twenty million dollars
In his heavenly bank account
You aint got nothin, people
You aint got nothin, people
You aint got nothin, people
Thank the man...oh yeah

Iscritto alla "LAGDAN" lega anti gigid'alessio and neomelodici

il messaggio più bello del mondo:
ciao mutandone dei miei sogni *_*

*SwaMi* 03/07/2008 13.35.06 - (11829848) -

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