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eta': 43
Citta'.: Sɑɭɜ®ɳ0


Can Be AnytHinG you want To Be
Just turn yourSeLf into AnYtHinG
yOu THinK THaT YoU CoulD ever be
be Fr
ee with your tempo be free be free
surrender Your e
Go be free be free To YourSeLf


all of my fears came true
black and blue and broken bones you left me here I'm all alone
my little piggy needed something new
nothing can stop me now
I don't care anymore
nothing can stop me now
I just don't care
hey pig
nothing's turning out the way I planned
hey pig there's a lot of things I hoped you could help me understand
what am I supposed to do I lost my shit because of you
nothing can stop me now
I don't care anymore
nothing can stop me now

[piggy,Nine inch nails]

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Pagina visitata 72094 volte, ultimo aggiornamento : 02/11/2007 - 11.07
ultima visita il 22/03/2023 alle ore 13:14 da un ragazzo di 44 anni.