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eta': 48
Citta'.: firenze
Descrizione: To the one true God above,
here is my prayer.
Not the first you've heard,
but the first I wrote;
not the first,
but the others,
were a long time ago:
There are two people here,
and i want you to kill them.
The first, she can go quietly,
by disease or a blow,
to the base of her neck,
where her neckless is closed,
where her garments come together,
where I used to lay my face:
that's where you outta kill her,
in that particular place.
Him ,just fucking kill him,
I dont' care if it hurts.
Yes, i do,
I want it to,
fucking kill him, but first
make him cry like a woman,
no particular woman,
let him hold out,
hope that,
someone or other might come.
And fucking kill him,
fucking kill him,
kill him, already, kill him.
Fucking kill him,
fucking kill him,
kill him, already, kill him.
Fucking kill him,
fucking kill him,
kill him, already, kill him.
Fucking kill him...

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Pagina visitata 760 volte, ultimo aggiornamento : 13/04/2005 - 13.08
ultima visita il 19/08/2008 alle ore 15:05 da una ragazza di 37 anni.