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eta': 41
Citta'.: CASAGIOVE (5 cm da caserta! :-))
Descrizione: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ On AiR......

[00:35] <SpO0nM4N> tommà si semp nu sball

iS ThErE AniBoDy OuT Of Th3Re??

...Wow. After I jumped, it ocurred to me. Life is perfect. Life is the best, full of magic,
beauty, opportunity, and television. And surprises...lot's of surprises, yeah. And then
there's the best stuff, of course. Better than anything anyone ever made up, 'cause it's
(tomtom-The Million Dollar Hotel)

°oOo° SOnO LaRgHe E cOmOdE Le Vi3 Ke PoRTaNo Alla PeRdiZOne °oOo°


nella foto a stankezZ...! °oOo°


°oOo° °oOo° °oOo°

°oOo° °oOo°

°oOo° °oOo°

°oOo° °oOo° °oOo°


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