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eta': 40
Citta'.: Sangiovanniateduccio!! (Napoli)
Descrizione: Girl With Kaleidoscope Eyes

[One Rainy Wish]

Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had,
Not too long ago,
Mysty blue and liliac too,
Never to grow old.

There you were, under a tree of song, sleeping so pacefully,
In your hand a flower played, waiting there for me.

I have never laid eyes on you,
Not before this timeless day
But you woke and you smiled my name
And you stole my heart away
Stole my heart way little girl.

Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had,
Not too long ago,
Mysty blue and liliac too,
Never to grow old.
Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had,
Not too long ago,
Mysty blue and liliac too,
Never to grow old.

Gold and rose, gold and rose
Gold and rose, the colour of the dream I had,
Not too long ago,
Mysty blue and liliac too.

It's only a dream but I'd love to tall somebody about this dream,
The sky was filled with a thousand stars,
When the sun kissed the mountain blue,
And eleven moons played across the rainbows
Above me and you.
Gold and rose, the colours of the velvet walls that surrounds us.

- Jimi Hendrix -

...questa è per te...
My Psychedelic Love!

Il bambino malatoooo!!
Buuuu, checcarinoooo!!!

*I dreamt Music*

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