Ciao a tutti.Cosa vi posso raccontare su di me?Hmmmmm...Be sn un siciliano ma vivo in un posto brutissimo cio'è la svizzera.Sn molto dolce e sensibile.Mi piace ballare e fare scemenze con i miei amici.Tanti baci Renato o D&PBoy (Dolce&PazzoBoy) smack.
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What You Waiting For??? TIC TAC TIC TAC TIC TAC TIC...
AAAAAAAAAZZOOOOOOOOOOOO come sn paaaaaaaaazzoooooo vero?
Voglio salutare le persone che voglio tanto bene:
Tina: La mia migliore amica!!!! Hey bedda mia, du bisch mir so wichtig, ohni dich wer ich nüd!! Bisch immer do wens mer scheisse goht und du chasch immer uf mich zähle!!! You are my lil' dark babe! Don't forget that!!! Never!!!!!!!!!! Best friends forever!
Lidia: Zi, zi la mia mammina, si sempre per me qua!!!! Vergiss mich nie!!!! OK????tvttttttttttttttttttttttttb!!!!
Vale: La mia pazza Valenti!!!!!! Noi due siamo pazzi!!!!! F O R Z A PAAAAAAAAAAAAAZZIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII
Stefi: La mia cucciola, dai sn la tua Kekka hehehehe... tvttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttb
Raffaella: Hey bella mia!!! Sn contento che ti come amica, sei mitica smack grande del tuo Kiko!!!!!!
Fabio Benassi: AH beddu!!!! Chom rauche mer eis zäme?? Hehehe dai fra poco facciamo dinuovo i pazzi insieme! We are crazy!!!!!!!!!
Marco:xe: Ah picciotto!!!! Come va?? ups, sn dinuovo pieno!!!! be succede no??? hehehe.... miiiii tvtttttb!! sei mitico!!!!! ey pazzoide, ho finalmente un apri bottiglie!!! hahahaha......quindi da ora in poi: non si devono più simulare porcate nei cessi x giustificare i rumori!!!!!! evvaaaaaaaaai
What You Waiting For?
What an amazing time What a family How did the years go by Now it's only me Tic Tac Tic Tac Tic Tac
gWeN sTeFanI yOu aRe CrAzY!!!!!!! bUt I aM cRaZy ToOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOo
ThE bOoGiE tHaT bE ThE bLaCk EyEd PeAs
Do SoMeThInG BrItNeY sPeArS
WiLl SmItH SwItCh
DR. Pr€$$uR€
SoNo Un ItAlIaNo
100% SiCiLiA!$!$!$!$!$!$!
Nobody is perfect! My name is Nobody
/////////////////////DaNgEr\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ -------------------------->I'm DiRrTy<--------------------
***************dAnCe NaStYbOy DaNcE **************
----->i wasn't born with enough middle fingers<-----
In the blink of an eye everything could change Say hello to your life, now you're living This is it from now on It's a brand new day It was time to wake up from this dream
- There shouldn’t be a rule how to choose your lover
This is my house and if you don't like it you get the fuck out!
It's not your fault that you're always wrong; the weak ones are there to justify the strong
*****************I taste just like candy************
DoN't TrY tO pLaY wItH mY bEcAuSe I'm DaNgErOuSe
-------PrOgReSsIv SoUnD iS mY mUsIc-------
14.03.05 CaNdY $HoP dAy WiTh 3menDa(: L o LL i P o P PrOjEcT Vale FeAt. KiKo 3menDa(: : I tOoK yOu To ThE cAnDy $hOp. D&PBoy: yOu TaStE lIkE cAnDy. TiPsY vALeNtI yOu ArE cRaZy ! ! ! I lIkE tHaT bEcAuSe I'm CrAzY tOoOoOoOoOoOoO
17.03.05 AaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaA quanto mi fai inpazzire Tina mia!!!!!! yOu ArE mY dArK sItE, dEeP iN yOuR hEaRt I fInD sOmEtHiNg DaRkS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MY LIL' DARK BABE!
25.03.05 BiTcH dAy WiTh: Daniela,Swelen,Suoli and KiKo!Oh my God!!!!!! ThEy ArE cRaZy GiRl AfTeR aLl!!!! I will never forget this night ;D Don't try to stop us!!!!
7.4.05: TicTac Day Hey Fabio i will miss you! Ich wird die lustigi ziet mit dir nie vergässe!!! Remeber... Tic Tac Tic Tac Tic Tac Il tuo Tic (Kiko)
21.5.05: MiSs DaY VaLe, LiDiA, StEfI, VaLeNtI: I will miss you sooooooo much! I luv ya!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PlAsTiC dAy: We ArE CRAZY, SEXY, BITCHY, EiSkAlTeR eNgEl, BlInG-bLiNg and IrIsH-cReAm hahahahaha
15/7/2005: PiErCiNg DaY: Oggi mi sn fatto un nuovo piercing. Un piercing ne la lingua!! azzo che dolore
Mailand Day: Questo weekend si va a MILANO!!!!! wooooooooooow
6/10/2005:i Am A F A S H I O N cHiLd
Ahhhhh Milano sei figo!!!!!!!!!!! hehehe
MaDoNnA iS bAcK!!!!! ------>//// HuNg Up \\\\<------
jUsT gIvE mE a BrEaK
I jUsT lIkE tO cAlL: yOuR mY B I T C H
If YoU d'OnT lIkE mY $tYlE tHaN... F U C K O F F
Buy it, use it, break it, fix it, trash it, change it, melt - upgrade it, charge it, pawn it, zoom it, press it, snap it, work it, quick - erase it, write it, get it, paste it, save it, load it, check it, quick - rewrite it, plug it, play it, burn it, rip it, drag and drop it, zip - unzip it, lock it, fill it, curl it, find it, view it, curl it, jam - unlock it, surf it, scroll it, pose it, click it, cross it, crack it, twitch - update it, name it, read it, tune it, print it, scan it, send it, fax - rename it, touch it, bring it, obey it, watch it, turn it, leave it, stop - format it
lEt Me LiVe My HuMaN bEiNg
------------->DiRrTy-BoY <---------------
MeGlIo PaZz ChE rOmpI cAzZ My DelIcIoUs L I V E |