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eta': 41
Citta'.: Park avenue(upper east side)
Descrizione: sono fredda... pratika...
...sono Un IcEbERg...

Il mio mito:SEX AND THE CITY

Ho 2 soli è andare a new york e l'altro:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ps:un sogno già è stato realizzato!!!!

i've been searching for you
i heard a cry within my soul
i've never had a yearning quite like this before
now that you are walking right trough my door
all my life
where have you been
i wonder if i'll ever see you again...

the world i love
the tears i drop
to be part of
the waave can't stop
ever wonder if it's all for you

i see you in the park
you're always wearing
dodger blue
mad dogging me and
anyone from my other crew
i am small but i am strong
i'll get it on with you
if you want me to
what else can i do

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ultima visita il 06/12/2023 alle ore 11:02 da un ragazzo di 43 anni.