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eta': 36
Citta'.: beyond the moon

Eclipse - Vita Nova

Dowager of wandering empires knocking at death's door
Putrid winds carried the voices wailing in the night
Solitude of land Europa; battalions ominous
Conquest dressed in ivory garb attack from east and west
Baleful ballad tragic spews
From her lips of lurid blue
Infantries of bony vampires draining one by one
From the headlands plunge like death-birds;predators descend
Prancing, laughing, undertakers don tools of dusky trade
Puppeteers in childish play,ghoulish marionettes
Baleful ballad tragic spews
From her lips of lurid blue
In a dream I saw her
Drape her cloak from sea to sea
In dawn of life she came to flee with lonesome shadows before noon
Who dare impede her timely flight or rob of quarry due?
The coy, unwilling silent bride; Misery stands by her side
The demon mourner bathes in tears of those she left behind.

Evitate sdolcinerie varie, e messaggi fotocopia:
sono di quanto più triste e noioso esista!

I rose from emptyness


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