Blog di *SwaMi*

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s c a l p i t o !

( 21/2/2009 13:49:40 - N. 367500 )

hai diminuito i chilometri che ci separano.
ti sei avvicinato.

How I wish, 
how I wish you were here.
We're just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl,
year after year,
running over the same old ground.
What have we found?
The same old fears,
wish you were here. 

( 20/2/2009 23:06:31 - N. 367476 )

Pensieri mi catturano...

desideri mi avvolgono.

( 17/2/2009 00:22:23 - N. 367321 )

Eccolo qui, arrivato oggi 


( 8/2/2009 22:27:46 - N. 366894 )

25 anni compiuti.
Me la dedico *___*

( 6/2/2009 21:29:47 - N. 366801 )
blog modificato il: 08/02/2009 22:28:10

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